Camera-Ready Manuscript Submission

Thank you very much for your contribution to SASIMI 2012. Here is TODO for authors:

Deadline for both manuscript and copyright transfer is:

  • Jan. 27 (Fri.), 2012 (17:00 JST, Japan standard time)

Note: Delayed paper may not be included in the CD-ROM Proceedings.

Instruction on Camera-Ready Manuscript Preparation:

Please prepare your camera-ready manuscript and upload it from this page.

  • Final camera-ready manuscript should be written in English.
  • Please prepare your manuscript in PDF, which is in our standard format.
    We will not accept other formats (LaTeX source, MS Word, etc.).
  • The format information on the final camera-ready manuscript is
    available in the “Author’s Guide” below.
  • The length of a short paper is 2 pages, and that of a full paper is 3 to 6 pages, including title, abstract, figures, tables, and references.This paper category (full or short) cannot be changed since the review process has been completed based on this category.
  • Author’s Guide (pdf)
  • Template, Style File for LateX(2e)
  • Template, Style File for Microsoft Word
  • Font issuesThe following fonts are considered “base fonts” and you are encouraged to
    limit your font selections to this list. These fonts are automatically
    installed with the viewing software (ex. Acrobat Reader).

    • Times, Times-Bold, Times-Oblique, Times-BoldOblique
    • Courier, Courier-Bold, Courier-Oblique, Courier-BoldOblique
    • Helvetica, Helvetica-Bold, Helvetica-Oblique, Helvetica-BoldOblique
    • Symbol
    • ZapfDingbats

    Using these fonts will reduce the size of your converted paper as well as speed up the display and printing of your paper for the readers.
    Additionally using only the specified fonts provides a consistent look
    across to all PDF files.
    If you decide to use fonts other than “base fonts” you must submit your paper as a PDF file with embedded fonts. The embedded fonts will be preserved during the conversion process. However, please do not use 2-byte fonts such as Japanese, Chinese, or Korean fonts.

Instruction on Electronic Manuscript Submission:

  • At least one author is requested to complete registration for the workshop before final paper submission.
  • Please submit your manuscript in PDF format via the web submission system. Before the deadline, you can resubmit the manuscript.
  • ID and password for paper submission are enclosed in the acceptance notification.
  • If you have any troubles or difficulties in paper submission, please do not hesitate to contact
    SASIMI 2012 Publication Chair.

Instruction on Copyright Transfer:

If your paper is accepted for presentation, you are requested to send
a copyright transfer form before the final paper deadline. Detailed information are shown as follows.

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SASIMI2012 Paper Submission for Review (closed)

Last Modified: December 21, 2011